How to Connect FreshBooks

Tallyfor can connect to FreshBooks and pull Expense Category and automatically code them for Schedule C or Schedule E

In "Import from", go to the FreshBooks tab. Pick the date period you wish to connect, and click "Connect FreshBooks.

If you are not already logged into FreshBooks, you will be asked to log into FreshBooks. 

If you have access to more than one FreshBooks business/account, you will be asked which business you want to connect to Tallyfor.

That's it! If you are connecting to a Sch C or Sch E (Real Estate), Tallyfor will automatically categorize the Expense accounts to the correct Tax Category.

We currently pull FreshBooks "Expense Category" (FreshBooks Accountants call this the Parent Account). If you would like to pull the Expense Subcategory (Accountants call this the: Account) please let us know by contacting 

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