
First Time Setup for UltraTax

The the first time you use UltraTax with Tallyfor, you need to set up a column mapping.  This helps UltraTax identify the columns of the Tallyfor generated file.

You only need to do this one time, for each user of UltraTax.

1. In Tallyfor, download an UltraTax file of a client you have mapped. You will use this file as an example.

2. In UltraTax, in a new client, Go to Utilities/Trial Balance Excel Import. (See screenshot below)

3. Under File, select the File you dowloaded in Step 1. Click Next.

4. Follow the instructions and use the dropdown arrows to identify the appropriate column. You need to map all five columns.

5. It will look like this when you're done, with Account Number, Account Description, Unit, Tax Code, and Amount properly identified. (In that order).

7. You've now set up and save a column mapping. You can use this mapping for all future Tallyfor imports.

How to Import Tallyfor Data into UltraTax

Importing your UltraTax data file is simple. If this is the first time importing a Tallyfor file into UltraTax, please set up a column mapper first.

1) In the client you wish to import, go to Utilities/Trial Balance Excel Import. (See screenshot below)

2) Browse and select the Tallyfor UltraTax File. Select "Use a previous defined mapping" and chose the mapping you set up for Tallyfor. Click Next.

4) UltraTax will import the data and show a dialog box when complete. Click Done and review your data in UltraTax.

FAQs, Tips and Troubleshooting

Tips for UltraTax Imports

Proformas and Schedule L Balances

If you proforma a return in UT that was previously hand-keyed, you will likely see duplicate lines on the subschedules from Schedule L when you import from Tallyfor the first time.  Please use the steps below to clean up those duplicates; future roll forwards/proformas will match up correctly.


Q: An unexpected non-financial number is showing up in my UltraTax import

This happens if the Description of that account exceeds Ultratax's maximum chararacter length. We are working on a fix, but in the meantime, please rename these accounts in Tallyfor and try the import again. You can use the label tag next to the Account names in the TB panel to rename the account.

Q: I am wanting to import a Tallyfor Trial Balance excel file into UltraTax. However, when I follow along with the directions to select the excel file that I downloaded from Tallyfor, it's not showing up anywhere in my search browser.

A: Your browser will download the Tallyfor UltraTax file to the default location set by the browser - often it is the "Downloads" folder. You need to be able to access that folder from the machine UltraTax is on. I UltraTas is on a virtual machine, you may need to move the file to a place where the virtual machine has access. Assuming you are on a virtual desktop, you alternatively could run Tallyfor from a browser on the same machine which would make finding the download easier.

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