CCH Axcess with G/L Direct

First Time Set Up for CCH Axcess with G/L Direct

In CCH Axcess you need set up a Mapping Profile.

** This only needs to be done once for the lifetime of the CCH Axcess desktop install.

Please have one G/L Direct file downloaded from Tallyfor ready. In this example we will use the file "2019 Taxhub Test 1120S". Any Tallyfor file for CCH Axcess with G/L Direct will be fine.

1) Activate G/L Direct. Go to G/L Direct/Activate G/L Direct.

2) You don't need to change any default settings. Click OK. This will activate all of these tabs:

5) Under "Delimiters" pick "Comma" and Under "Options" choose quotes (") as the Text qualifier. Click OK. 

6) In the next screen, identify the columns with the proper Field Name. Follow the screenshot below.

A: Account Number. B: Account Description. C: Current Year/ Balance-Debit/Credit (Single column). D: Account Type. E: Tax Code. The most important ones are Account Description and Tax Code, but map them all so that the template is always ready. Click "OK" and then, Click "Close". 

7) That's it! The import configuration is now saved and you can use it for individual imports. To import individual Trial Balances, see below.

How to Import Tallyfor Data into CCH Axcess with G/L Direct

1) In CCH Axcess, go to the Menu,  G/L Direct/ TB Import/ Select a Custom Import

2) The "G/L Direct - Customer Import" menu will appear. Follow these steps:

  • Hit "Browse..." and locate the tax file you downloaded from Tallyfor.
  • Under "Select Customer Import" find and select the Custom Import you created for Tallyfor.
  • In "Select import options" check the boxes for Account descriptions and Tax codes
  • Click "Import"

  1. On the next window, click "Yes"

4) The pop-up will close. Now go back to the main menu bar: G/L Direct/ G/L to Tax

5) After the re-calc pop-up, you'll see the window below. For the initial import, you will only have the option to Remove Existing Data (note the explanation in this section. For subsequent imports, you will have both options.

Click OK.

The system will confirm once data is processed.

6) Now, just Re-Calculate and check out your return!

How to Import Schedule C into CCH Axcess with G/L Bridge

1) From the CCH Axcess return go to: Import/Export > G/L Bridge.

3) Click "Select import file"

5) Click Import and your data will be imported. That's it, the data should be in your Schedule C. 

Important notes: 

  1. CCH Axcess can only import into one Schedule C.
  2. If you re-import data onto existing Schedule C data, the import will only replace the data of fields of which there is data. Data in fields that are not specifically overwritten will still be on the form. Please check after each import that the results are as you expect.

FAQs, Tips and Troubleshooting

Q: We have an open item on the Officer Compensation for 1120s and 1120S - we don't want to use the OVERRIDE. Other options?

A: CCH Axcess only allows import into the OVERRIDE field. This is the case for the other tax products as well. If you don't want to use that field, then we recommend utilizing the DO NOT MAP (Expense) mapping option.

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