Complete Tallyfor Trial Balance (data pulled from Xero, QuickBooks or Excel and tax categories mapped).
In the Tallyfor Menu Under "Export for TaxCyle" >Choose "Download for Tax (T1 Excel)", click ok.
In TaxCycle
Select and open T2125 Form
In Menu, go to Data, Import Excel Workbook, Select the exported Tallyfor File, Click Open.
Voila, the data will import into the tax form.
TaxCycle - Form T2125 Excel Import Steps
TaxCycle - Select Excel Spreadsheet Exported from Tallyfor
Import Form T2 from Tallyfor into TaxCycle
Complete Tallyfor Trial Balance (data pulled from Xero, QuickBooks or Excel and tax categories mapped).
In the Tallyfor Menu Under "Export for TaxCyle" >Choose "Download for Tax (T2 GIFI CSV)"> click ok.
In TaxCycle
Select and open Schedule 125 (S125).
Drag the downloaded GIFI file from Tallyfor and drop on top of the S125 form in TaxCyle. A dialog box will ask "Import General Index of Financial Information (GIFI) data into this tax return?">Click "Yes".