How to Get the Right QuickBooks Desktop or Online Reports

You can import QuickBooks Desktop Excel Trial Balances into Tallyfor.  Tallyfor works with QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Enterprise.

This method can also be used for Quickbooks Online in the event that you don't have the necessary permissions to connect via API.

Example Reports

Sample excel downloads for your reference.


Trial Balance

Account Listing


Trial Balance

Account Listing

QuickBooks Desktop

1. Export 2 reports as Excel.

Tallyfor requires a pair of reports, 1) The "Trial Balance" and 2) the "Account Listing" report. Both are found under the Quickbooks Menu item Reports/Accountant & Taxes. See screenshots below.

Reports/Accountant & Taxes/Trial Balance

Reports/Accountant & Taxes/Account Listing

Use the Excel dropdown to create a New Worksheet.

Do not use the PDF version, or CSV versions of the reports.

2.  Import files into Tallyfor

Now that you have the right reports, In the MENU section of Tallyfor, click on the QBD tab.  Then locate and select each file.  Finally, click Import files.  

You do not need to modify the reports in any way. QuickBooks may add an extra tab. You may or may not delete this tab. DO NOT rename Sheet 1.

QuickBooks Online (Import Option)

If you don't have the required access to your client's QBO account, we can import the reports from QBO as well.

1. Here are the right reports to get (XLS format required): 

For the Account List report, you need the CLASSIC VIEW. Please click "Switch to classic view"

2. Import files into Tallyfor

Now that you have the right reports, In the MENU section of Tallyfor, click on the QBD tab.  Then locate and select each file.  Finally, click Import files.  

Tips and Troubleshooting

1. DO NOT rename Sheet1. The sheet needs to be named "Sheet1" or the file won't import.

2. The Tallyfor importer reads the default report output of QBD. Do not modify the reports. Modifying the reports may prevent the file from importing. You may need to revert to the default report formatting in QuickBooks.

How to revert to QuickBooks default report formatting

4. QuickBooks may add an extra tab. You may or may not delete this tab. 

5. File won't import if there are three additional three rows in header.

If, after following the steps outlined in the article, you are not able to import the QuickBooks reports into Tallyfor, please note if the Account Listing and Trial Balance reports have have an additional three rows in the header with the account details. QBD has some settings that may or may not add these rows into the header. Tallyfor does NOT need those headers. If the reports have these three rows, please delete the first three rows of each file and then save the Excel files. Deleting these rows will allow the reports to be imported.

Incorrect format - three additional rows added to Trial Balance report
Incorrect format three additional rows added to Account Listing report
  1. Spacer columns are required.
Correct format for QBD report - No header rows, spacer columns required

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