Tallyfor Permissions

Client and Team Groups

  • We’ve rolled out Tallyfor Client and Team Groups.
  • We’ve Created a new Team Role, “Owner”.  Owner will have more rights than “Admin” and “User”. 

Where can I find it?

There is now a “Permissions” Tab on the main header.

Only Owner and Admin can see the tab, User will not.

What is it?

You can create:

a) Client Groups and

b) Team Groups.

Combining the two allows you to customize access to clients across your firm.

Basic subscribers can create 2 Client Groups and 2 Team Groups.

Premium subscribers can create Unlimited Client Groups and Unlimited Team Groups.

What you will first see.

Client Groups and User Groups
Select a Client and move in and out of the Group.

We also allow you to designate a client group as "Private". A client group marked private can only be seen by owners.

Checking the "Make the group private" will hide the group from non-owners

What are Team Roles?

There are three roles in Tallyfor. A Team member can be an Owner, Admin, or User. 

When you first invite a team member, they are invited as a User. You can change their Role after they have accepted the invite.

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